Your Role
We believe that the family is the most important institution in the lives of our players, and that family events are as important as sport events. We ask that you are considerate of the rest of the team and let a coach know when you will miss any team event as soon as possible.
We believe that the biggest role of the parent is to be a constant source of encouragement. Your child needs to hear that you enjoyed watching them and you hope that they had fun. Our biggest expectation for you is to help him to enjoy his journey in club volleyball with Elite West.
We would like you to help us train these boys to have the responsibility for arriving at the court ready to perform. That means ensuring that they are on time, have all of their equipment, plenty of water, be well nourished and rested for our training and competition.
We feel it is key to empower our athletes to take responsibility for themselves, and we feel it is crucial that they become the focal point of the communication regarding their role and development with the team. Our thought in this regard is to have them be the liaison between us and you.
Elite West is assigned a Casino date through AGLC every two years.
A substantial amount of the funding for the club is raised through volunteering at the casino. To put this in perspective, our program costs approximately $7500 per athlete to run on average for a year, while our fees are in the $3000 - $3500 range.
We rely heavily on our team of parents to serve as volunteers at our Casino. Further information on Casino dates will be provided when available.
Parent volunteers are required at tournaments to assist with Scorekeeping.
Here are some tips for filling out the Scoresheet:
1) Plan for an experienced scorekeeper parent to sit with you and walk you through the first time
2) View this detailed tutorial: VA Scoresheet PowerPoint Presentation
3) Stay calm, you will get into the flow of things once the game starts.
4) Look at the referee first to see which side they indicate as receiving the point, then mark the point on the scoresheet. 5) Bring an erasable pen such as the Pilot FriXion Erasable Gel Pen
Other resources: