We take great pride in our team culture, as defined by Accountability, Competition, Sacrifice, Respect, Discipline, Trust. We win as a team, and we develop as a team. Together we are stronger than we are apart.
We stress ACCOUNTABILITY on every contact. We expect and allow you to make mistakes because errors are a key part of development. But we will work to correct those mistakes, and continue development. This concept extends to playing time as well. All playing time is earned.
Part of the idea of earning everything with nothing given for free is COMPETITION. We compete in practice every day, and players can play their way up, and down the depth chart on a daily and weekly basis. This completion has been the key to our success and our players’ development and their success once they leave our program. There is a competitive component to all of our drills and training, and we will teach athletes to compete with themselves as well.
We have a team-first philosophy that stresses personal SACRIFICE for team success, and ask the question “How have you given to your teammates today?”. We believe that if you give to your teammates while expecting nothing in return it builds a powerful bond that breeds trust, and makes us stronger. It is not about the ME, it is about the WE.
We strive to earn RESPECT from our players as coaches, by building trust with them, striving to connect with them, and building a plan for them. We then expect they will return that respect to their teammates, and create an environment where we have enough trust to allow our teammates to hold us accountable.
We build a plan for our athletes, and a program that will help them achieve their goals and continue their development, building the framework for them to be successful players and consequently, successful young men. Our investment in our athletes, our commitment to them, and that plan for them, builds TRUST, and this trust allows them to buy into the process, and focus on execution, which will help them achieve their life goals.
We will RESPECT the human dignity of every team-mate, coach, official, opponent – on and off the court.
We will seek to BELIEVE in, trust and care for each other at all times in all ways.
We will CELEBRATE success with humility and learn from disappointment with grace.
We will be ACCOUNTABLE for executing our own job, with no excuses or laying blame.
We will look each other in the eye as we COMMUNICATE and support our teammates and coaches.
We will strive to GROW and improve our special gifts through focused hard work as we embrace and gain strength from them.
We will celebrate DIVERSITY as we joyfully accept our unique contributions and roles within our team.
We will be willing to SERVE our team as we contribute our talents to the success of the entire team, rather than self-enhancement.
We will CHALLENGE our athletes in every practice and competition to focus on the process of developing into a complete player, rather than on the result.
We will be DISCIPLINED. Know your job, do your job. Know our system, trust the system. Make the plan, work the plan.
We believe that SWEARING is is always a sign of disrespect, and has no place on or off the court.